Bitcoin 2024 Nashville Conference - Trump says he'll "fire Gensler on day one", pledges to make US crypto hub

Ion Volentir
2 min readJul 28, 2024
By LeftFooted

Donald Trump spoke at the Bitcoin 2024 Nashville Conference but, to be honest, what he said was largely predictable.

Even so, I thought it'd certainly be interesting, and relevant to us, to summarise what he said.

US will become crypto hub, and will hold on BTC it already owns

Trump wants the US to become the global crypto hub, a role that, at the minute, is probably shared by several nation states globally. Although, if you asked 100 people, probably 80 percent would tell you Dubai is the de-facto crypto global hub.

Trump wants the US to hold that particular title and, equally important, he said the US government will not sell the BTC it already holds.

Ross Ulbricht's sentence

If you look at this laterally, this is probably the most interesting thing he said, simply because it was the only one that wasn't expected.

Trump said he will commute Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht's sentence.

This is important because he said commute, not pardon.



Ion Volentir

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