How do you change your life in 30 days?
In the end. Take change as it comes. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. It will take time. We live in an instant gratification type world. If it was easy everyone would be doing it. We are always one “temptation” away from fucking everything up.
Quit drinking. Take a break from the “bar life.”
Stop chasing random ass, and having meaningless sex. Delete the dating apps.
Get out and do some form of cardio 3–5 days a week.
Cut out the processed food, and try a low carb, high protein diet.
Stop masturbating/watching porn.
Quit playing video games.
Delete TikTok, Facebook and Instagram.
Quit worrying what people think.
Do today, what you have been putting off until tomorrow.
The person you have been avoiding, call them, and make amends.
Work on something you suck at, and get good at it.
Get to bed early, and do some same when you awake.
Say “Hi” to 10 random strangers a day, even if you don’t get the same in return.
Turn the TV off, and the “noise” around you. Learn to think, and speak your opinion without fear of public shame.